Records of my 12 months off to pursue passion projects, learn a ton, and maybe start a business.
The Dog Park Sabbatical: Monthly Logs
I’m taking a year off work in what I’m calling the Dog Park Sabbatical, and here are summaries of what happened each month. Prior to work ending: Serving a long notice, and Leonid Space. Month 1 – December 2024: Plotting and printing projects, plus family festivities. Month 2 – January 2025: Scipy, skiing, and a […]
The Dog Park Sabbatical
I quit my job. This was tough, because I liked my job. I was good at it, it was intellectually stimulating, it paid well, I found the company’s mission meaningful and important, and being a rocket scientist is still as cool as it was in the ’60s. As someone who has always tied an uncomfortable-to-admit […]